I second the idea of Cucumber. I created some in-house process for our
QA team to upload features and run cucumber, but beyond that the
'output html' argument is amazing. Really changed our QA process.

On Dec 15, 1:57 pm, Chuck van der Linden <sqa...@gmail.com> wrote:
> As Dave suggests, Fitnesse is one way to go.  Another is Cucumber
> Both of these take a bit of a different direction from Quality Center
> Instead of  creating a mapping between requirements, specs, and tests,
> they focus more around the idea of creating an executable
> requirement.  You express a description of the requirement in a
> specific format which allows it to directly drive the code steps that
> will exercise the functionality being described.  The spec becomes the
> test in this sense, which ensures that no mapping is needed and specs
> tend to stay updated and 'in sync' with the current code in order for
> the tests to continue to pass should the behavior of the app change by
> design.
> You can learn more about Cucumber at their site  www.cukes.info and I
> highly recommend the new 'Cucumber Book' from Pragmatic Programmers
> (available in E format now, print due fairly soon)
> A simple example of using Cucumber with Watir, along with a Page
> Object pattern (a very useful abstraction layer technique) by Alister
> Scott is on the Watir.com blog 
> here:http://watir.com/2011/01/22/simple-cucumber-watir-page-object-pattern...
> The general idea of creating your specs via examples of how the code
> should behave (aka BDD, ATDD) is very well presented in the book
> 'Specification by Example' by Gojko Adzic.   Alister also did an
> introduction to this way of working in a pdf you can download from his
> blog 
> here:http://watirmelon.com/2011/05/18/specification-by-example-a-love-story/
> You can find some very useful and entertaining videos of presentations
> by Gojko and others in the 'podcast' section 
> athttp://skillsmatter.com/go/agile-testing.
> There are several years worth of podcasts there but only the most
> recent are listed.  However if you search the site for keywords like
> BDD, Page Objects, ATDD, Watir, etc you will find a bunch more
> material (for example this one :http://skillsmatter.com/podcast/home/
> bootstrapping-cucumber-mnchhausen-style and this 
> one:http://skillsmatter.com/podcast/agile-scrum/bdd-atdd-and-page-objects
> which is doing Selenium but still helps to understand the page object
> pattern)
> On Dec 14, 11:02 pm, Dave McNulla <mcnu...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >http://www.opensourcetestmanagement.com/
> > The only one in the list that I've used was Fitnesse. You may already have
> > tools that work well with Watir. for instance, if you use confluence, you
> > can try this:http://watirmelon.com/2008/04/13/watir-tests-from-wiki-page/
> > Good luck,
> > Dave

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