On Tue, Jan 31, 2012 at 4:55 PM, Rahul Sharma <rahulsharma....@gmail.com>wrote:

> browser.select_list(:how, :what).enabled? I still get false as it
> still holds the reference to the old element and since the page hasn't
> refreshed it doesn't know its been now enabled by the javascript.

Element references in watir-webdriver are live - if the underlying element
changes, so will the return value of #disabled?
In any case, calling browserselect_list twice will always relocate the
element, so you're not holding on to any reference at all.

Without seeing the code (HTML/CSS/JS/Ruby) in question, it's hard to tell
why you're running into trouble, but some possible cases:

1. The .select_list call is not finding the element you think it is.
2. The disabled state is changing asynchronously, and you have a race

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