>From Page Source:
    <div id="ParentSelector" >
      <ul><li class="folder"  data="expand:true">All<ul>
          <li class="selected" data="icon:false"title="This is choice
1">choice 1</li>
          <li class="selected" data="icon:false"title="This is choice
2">choice 2</li>
          <li class="selected" data="icon:false"title="This is choice
3">choice 3</li>
          <li class="selected" data="icon:false"title="This is choice
4">choice 4</li>
          <li class="selected" data="icon:false"title="This is choice
5">choice 5</li>

>From Firebug:
<div id="ParentSelector">
  <ul class="dynatree-container">
    <li class="dynatree-lastsib">
      <span class="dynatree-node dynatree-folder dynatree-expanded
dynatree-has-children dynatree-lastsib dynatree-exp-el dynatree-ico-ef
      <ul style="">
        <li class="">
          <span class="dynatree-node dynatree-exp-c dynatree-ico-c">
          <span class="dynatree-connector"/>
          <span class="dynatree-checkbox"/>
          <a class="dynatree-title" title="This is choice 1"
href="#">choice 1</a>
        +<li class="">
        +<li class="">
        +<li class="">
        +<li class="">

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