Not to mention your "given I'm an active user" is now going to happen 
before EVERY scenario.  That's ugly.  Every scenario isn't necessarily 
going to need that information.

This is a really surprising limitation in cucumber functionality, to my 


On Friday, May 18, 2012 12:22:17 PM UTC-7, Abe Heward wrote:
> Thanks for the post.
> You're using tags, which, again, is my primary complaint.
> But I guess that's the direction I'm going to have to go in, if we're 
> going to use Cucumber.
> On Friday, May 18, 2012 12:11:03 PM UTC-7, Oscar.Rieken wrote:
>> quick example but you may get the idea you can have a step that accepts a 
>> url and hands it to your browser and you can have a hook that always goes 
>> to a certain place by default 
>> hooks.rb
>> Before do
>> @browser = :chrome
>> end
>> Before("@main_site") do
>> @browser.goto ""
>> end
>> some.feature
>> Background: Given I am an active user
>> @main_site
>> Scenario: go log into some site
>> When I try to log in with a valid password
>> Then I should see my dashboard
>> @main_site
>> Scenario: go log into some site
>> When I try to log in with an invalid password
>> Then I should not see my dashboard
>> some_other.feature
>> Given I am on ""
>> When I try to look do something
>> Then I should be able to 
>> or you can do something like pulling urls from a fixture 
>> @browser.goto :main_site
>> @browser.goto :other_site
>> and have different steps depending on what page you need to go to
>> On Fri, May 18, 2012 at 2:31 PM, Abe Heward <> wrote:
>>> I can't imagine I'm the only person to run into this issue, so maybe 
>>> someone has an easy answer for me.  I'm posting this rant/venting here 
>>> because I'd like the perspective of Cucumber users who also use 
>>> Watir/Watir-webdriver, like me.
>>> Cucumber has "Before" and "Background", but these happen either before 
>>> ALL scenarios or before EVERY scenario.
>>> Why this annoying limitation?
>>> I want an option to have something happen before the first scenario in a 
>>> feature.
>>> Use case:
>>> I want to test the features on a web page, but I first need to navigate 
>>> to that web page.  I don't need to navigate to that web page EVERY TIME for 
>>> every scenario tested in the feature.  And I ALSO don't need to navigate to 
>>> that page before every other feature. So, "Background" becomes utterly 
>>> worthless to me.
>>> It seems like the only answer is tagging things, but aside from being 
>>> ugly, it's not as useful as it should be--for example, say I want to 
>>> declare some variables for a feature that will be used in multiple 
>>> scenarios.  Suddenly I have to put multiple "Before" clauses in my step 
>>> definitions, with various tags associated with each of them.
>>> Ugly. Annoying.
>>> Now, admittedly, I'm a total Cucumber n00b, so there's every possibility 
>>> that I've missed something important, here.
>>> Please, someone tell me that I'm just suffering from ignorance and need 
>>> to be schooled.
>>> Please.
>>> Abe
>>> -- 
>>> Before posting, please read In short: search 
>>> before you ask, be nice.

Before posting, please read In short: search before 
you ask, be nice.

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