Ah! I can see the drag-and-drop happening, so it looks like I just need to 
figure out exactly what element I need to drop it onto.

On Monday, July 2, 2012 2:43:57 PM UTC-7, Abe Heward wrote:
> I have this element on a page:
> <a title="Insert text block" data-element-type="htmlblock" 
> class="inserterbar_widget_draggable inserterbar_text_widget 
> inserterbar_standard_icon ui-draggable" tabindex="0" href="#"></a>
> I want to drag it onto this element, on the same page:
> <div class="contentauthoring_cell_content ui-sortable" style="height: 
> 16px; overflow: auto;"></div>
> So, I define a couple elements:
> linkypoo = b.link(:title=>"Insert text block")
> divvypoo = b.div(:class=>"contentauthoring_cell_content ui-sortable")
> Then I do the drag-and-drop, like this:
> linkypoo.drag_and_drop_on(divvypoo)
> The script runs without error, but the drag and drop is not happening.
> Without an error being thrown, I have no idea how to debug this problem.
> I've tried using different parent/child elements around these, but it's 
> always the same thing: No error, but no dragging and dropping, either.
> Help?

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