2 parter question. Which library would be most helpful that I should invest 
time learning to use for XML output from a watir script. We want to output 
the script details so that Jenkins can handle the data. 

Also, my company wants the XML format to be specific. below are my two 

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<testsuites disabled="" errors="" failures="" name="" tests="" time="">
    <testsuite disabled="" errors="" failures="" hostname="" id=""
        name="" package="" skipped="" tests="" time="" timestamp="">
            <property name="" value=""/>
            <property name="" value=""/>
        <testcase assertions="" classname="" name="" status="" time="">
            <error message="" type=""/>
            <error message="" type=""/>
            <failure message="" type=""/>
            <failure message="" type=""/>
        <testcase assertions="" classname="" name="" status="" time="">
            <error message="" type=""/>
            <error message="" type=""/>
            <failure message="" type=""/>
            <failure message="" type=""/>
    <testsuite disabled="" errors="" failures="" hostname="" id=""
        name="" package="" skipped="" tests="" time="" timestamp="">
            <property name="" value=""/>
            <property name="" value=""/>
        <testcase assertions="" classname="" name="" status="" time="">
            <error message="" type=""/>
            <error message="" type=""/>
            <failure message="" type=""/>
            <failure message="" type=""/>
        <testcase assertions="" classname="" name="" status="" time="">
            <error message="" type=""/>
            <error message="" type=""/>
            <failure message="" type=""/>
            <failure message="" type=""/>
or the short form

<testsuite name="MyTests">

 <testcase classname="MyTestCase0" name="Initial Setup" />

 <testcase classname="MyTestCase1" name="Trying test procedure 1">
 <failure message="failure" type="failed" />

Before posting, please read http://watir.com/support. In short: search before 
you ask, be nice.


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