> C:/Ruby193/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/rautomation-0.7.2/lib/rautomation/window.rb:226:in
> `rescue in wait_until_present': Window with locator {:index=>0,
> :hwnd=>262394} doesn't exist or is not visible!
> (RAutomation::UnknownWindowException)

Since the exception seems to be in a part of the test where you're
using RAutomation to work with the GUI, it's probably an issue with
the script not being able to access the interactive desktop.

This is a common problem with remotely launching GUI tests on Windows.
 There are a few types of solutions, though.

How I worked around this was to:

- Leave a Windows user logged in at all times (with the desktop
showing, not locked)

- Make sure the Jenkins agent is running as that user, using the Java
command shown here:

Then all Jenkins jobs should run in the context of that logged-in user
and your Ruby process will have full access to the desktop.  GUI tests
should work just as when you run them manually while logged in to
Windows yourself.

Other possible fixes would depend on how you are launching the Jenkins
agent and what user it's running as.  Note that if you're running the
Jenkins agent as a Windows service, the docs they mention that it
won't have GUI access by default:


It might be possible to manually configure the service to run as a
specific user and give it desktop access, though.  I haven't tried
that, but Windows supports certain tweaks to services' environments
that might make it doable.


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