Zeljko and Jarmo,

Thanks for the support.  It did indeed turn out to be environmental in 
nature.  Once I disabled the following add-ons that were on the system I 
was given I stopped getting the error.

Add-ons disabled:

   - Microsoft Corporation's Research
   - Discuss
   - Oracle America's Java Plug-In SSV Helper
   - Oracle America's Java Plug-In 2 SSV Helper

Disabling Research result in a window that said you should disable Discuss. 
 And disabling Java Plug-In Helper resulted in a window that said you 
should disable Java Plug-In 2 Helper.  I haven't gone any further to 
determine which combination of these was the real culprit, but once these 
were disabled I stopped getting the error.  Thanks again for your time.


Before posting, please read http://watir.com/support. In short: search before 
you ask, be nice.


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