HA!  That's funny that I just posted about this EXACT problem.

.present? and .exists? should just immediately return true or false--to my 
mind, anyway.

Timeout errors are just inappropriate here.

On Monday, December 10, 2012 10:28:15 PM UTC-7, Nigel wrote:
> We're successfully finding elements on the page, but find that calling 
> present?, exists?, visible? and click cause long pauses / blocks, until 
> timeouts occur. 
> We're stumped as to why this occurs, and what can be done about it. 
> We do find that if we put in sleep(s) that the problem goes away, which 
> leads us to believe that we have a timing issue on our hands. Can you give 
> some more insight into whats going on?
> Have you seen anything like this before?
> Ta
> Nigel

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