Hey gang,
I developed a very robust framework for a company in 2009-2011 using watir 
and converted to watir-webdriver in late 2011- early 2012.  During the 
conversion I had to make many horrible compromises (inserting retry 
statements, wait statements, etc.), and watir-webdriver still gave false 
negatives very consistently.  It worked so poorly that I no longer trusted 
the failed test results at all.  The app was a normal, relatively small web 
app, nothing fancy.

In March 2012 I quit and have not looked at watir until this week.  I 
talked with someone today who had similar bad experiences with 
watir-webdriver and said that it has made great strides in the past 12 
months.  So my questions are (forgive me if this has been covered 

Is it true that watir-webdriver has improved significantly in the past 12 
Watir-webdriver was considered watir 2.0, so when I saw watir-classic, it 
made me think that maybe it had been created in response to negative 
feedback on watir-webdriver...?  Now it sounds like watir-classic is just 
an update to watir that makes the syntax more similar to watir-webdriver...?

I am curious how anyone else feels about watir-webdriver 12 months ago and 
watir-webdriver now and if anyone knows the true motivation for 
watir-classic.  I am not asking for a long reply, just quick thoughts...

Before posting, please read http://watir.com/support. In short: search before 
you ask, be nice.


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