We have developed many tools in Watir1.6.5.. So we are still using the old 

On Monday, 1 July 2013 00:38:17 UTC+5:30, Dan wrote:
> I don't know why you're using such an old version of watir.  You should 
> upgrade and your life will be much easer. 
> On Sunday, June 30, 2013 11:21:22 AM UTC-4, sivam wrote:
>> Thanks Dan.. im using watir 1.6.5. so i tried AutoItX3 and it worked 
>> fine.. but everytime while passing value to DIV using "send" we have pass 
>> command to activate the webpage.. check my below code.. do we have any 
>> other option?
>> ie.bring_to_front()
>> $autoit = WIN32OLE.new('AutoItX3.Control')  
>> $autoit.Send("TEST") 
>> On Sunday, 30 June 2013 19:26:08 UTC+5:30, Dan wrote:
>>> Have you tried using send_keys?
>>> On Sunday, June 30, 2013 12:03:26 AM UTC-4, sivam wrote:
>>>> Hi All,
>>>> Below is my code.. The DIV tag specified below is editable in the 
>>>> webpage im having.. i want to pass some value to the tag using our 
>>>> WatirRuby code.. i have tried in many ways but i couldnt find it.. can 
>>>> anyone help me out from this..
>>>> <div 
>>>> id="ctl00_SPWebPartManager1_4fae_bcfa_63ad7c3896a6_FormControl0__customcontrol1_upLevelDiv"
>>>> tabindex="0"  title="PPicker"  
>>>> aria-multiline="true" contentEditable="true" aria-haspopup="true" 
>>>> class="ms-inputuserfield" style="word-wrap: break-word;overflow-x: hidden; 
>>>> background-color: window; color: windowtext;overflow-y: auto;" 
>>>> preferContentEditableDiv="true" name="upLevelDiv" role="textbox"></div>
>>>> Thanks..

Before posting, please read http://watir.com/support. In short: search before 
you ask, be nice.


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