OK.  I ran a sample and have some benchmarks for a simple table look up

In the sample below I have a simple table with 30 row of 8 columns.
The test measure the time to find the matching row (the sample is row 30)
There are two methods.  One uses if comparisons of the tables columns 
within the row. The second method intersects the data to find with an array 
of each row.  The time was quite dramatic.

Using the If statements the time was about 25 seconds to find matching 
table row 30
Using the intersect method for arrray comparisons the table match was 
immediate (zero seconds)

Script Code
require 'rubygems'
require 'watir-webdriver'
#require 'win32ole'
require 'uri'
require 'date'

def Method_OpenBrowser(sURL,sBrowserType) 
  puts '* Method_OpenBrowser' 
  puts ' - Browser type: ' + sBrowserType.to_s 
  puts ' - URL: ' + sURL.to_s
  ie = Watir::Browser.new(sBrowserType) 
  sleep 2
  puts ' - Return ' + ie.to_s
  return ie

# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Hash values are fetched and compared using ifs with each row column
# A complete match outputs the time delta
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
def Method_CheckTableUsingIfs(ie,myHash)
  puts '* Method_CheckTableUsingIfs'
  puts ' - # of Column values to match: ' + myHash.length().to_s
  obj = ie.table(:id,'table1').tbody(:id,'tbody1')
  iDataRows = obj.rows.length() - 1
  iRowIndex = 1
  startTime = Time.now
  iDataRows.times do
    if myHash.fetch('col1') == obj.tr(:index => iRowIndex).td(:index => 
0).text.to_s then 
      if myHash.fetch('col2') == obj.tr(:index => iRowIndex).td(:index => 
1).text.to_s then 
        if myHash.fetch('col3') == obj.tr(:index => iRowIndex).td(:index => 
2).text.to_s then 
          if myHash.fetch('col4') == obj.tr(:index => iRowIndex).td(:index 
=> 3).text.to_s then 
            if myHash.fetch('col5') == obj.tr(:index => 
iRowIndex).td(:index => 4).text.to_s then 
              if myHash.fetch('col6') == obj.tr(:index => 
iRowIndex).td(:index => 5).text.to_s then 
                if myHash.fetch('col7') == obj.tr(:index => 
iRowIndex).td(:index => 6).text.to_s then 
                  if myHash.fetch('col8') == obj.tr(:index => 
iRowIndex).td(:index => 7).text.to_s then 
                    puts ' - All columns matched. Return the delta time to 
main. Click this row: ' + iRowIndex.to_s
                    endTime = Time.now - startTime
                    puts ' - Time to match: ' + endTime.to_s
                    puts ' - Return: ' + endTime.to_s
                    return endTime.to_s
    iRowIndex = iRowIndex + 1
  puts ' - No Match in table. '
  puts ' - Return: -1'
  return -1

# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# The Hash is converted to an array (array = hash.values). 
# The array is matched using intersection of the table's row array
# A complete match outputs the time delta
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
def Method_CheckTableUsingRowArray(ie,myArray)
  puts '* Method_CheckTableUsingRowArray'
  puts ' - # of Column values to match: ' + myArray.length().to_s
  obj = ie.table(:id,'table1').tbody(:id,'tbody1')
  myTableArray = obj.to_a  #Array the table
  puts ' - Table Length (Rows): ' + myTableArray.length().to_s
  startTime = Time.now
  myTableArray.each do |e|
    case (e & myArray).length()
      when 8
        puts ' - All columns matched. Return the delta time to main. Click 
this row: ' + iRowIndex.to_s
        endTime = Time.now - startTime
        puts ' - Time to match: ' + endTime.to_s
        puts ' - Return: ' + endTime.to_s
        return endTime.to_s
        # do nothing
  puts ' - No Match in table. '
  puts ' - Return: -1'
  return -1

# Main
# Make some data to use
sBrowserType = :chrome  #symbolic
# Localize and encode the html test url
puts ' Current Dir: ' + Dir.getwd.to_s 
sURL = "file:///" + URI.escape(Dir.getwd) + '/columns.html'   
myHash = { 'col1' => 'Row30 Content1', 'col2' => 'Row30 Content2', 'col3' 
=> 'Row30 Content3', 'col4' => 'Row30 Content4', 'col5' => 'Row30 
Content5', 'col6' => 'Row30 Content6', 'col7' => 'Row30 Content7', 'col8' 
=> 'Row30 Content8' }

# Display some messages 
puts 'Check Speed Of Table Parse'
puts ' - Test URL: ' + sURL.to_s
puts ' - Browser type: ' + sBrowserType.to_s

# Begin the test
ie = Method_OpenBrowser(sURL,sBrowserType) 
puts '* Test completed'

# End

Check Speed Of Table Parse
 - Test URL: 
 - Browser type: chrome
* Method_OpenBrowser
 - Browser type: chrome
 - URL: 
 - Return #<Watir::Browser:0xd051f8>
* Method_CheckTableUsingIfs
 - # of Column values to match: 8
 - All columns matched. Return the delta time to main. Click this row: 30
 - Time to match: 23.587861
 - Return: 23.587861
* Method_CheckTableUsingRowArray
 - # of Column values to match: 8
 - Table Length (Rows): 31
 - All columns matched. Return the delta time to main. Click this row: 30
 - Time to match: 0.0
 - Return: 0.0
* Test completed

Tool completed successfully

HTML TEST FILE Columns.html
<h1>Table Test Page</h1>
<p>Purpose: Test watir/ruby methods for the fastest way to parse a normal 
<table id="table1" border="1">
<tbody id="tbody1">
<td>Row1 Content1</td>
<td>Row1 Content2</td>
<td>Row1 Content3</td>
<td>Row1 Content4</td>
<td>Row1 Content5</td>
<td>Row1 Content6</td>
<td>Row1 Content7</td>
<td>Row1 Content8</td>
<td>Row2 Content1</td>
<td>Row2 Content2</td>
<td>Row2 Content3</td>
<td>Row2 Content4</td>
<td>Row2 Content5</td>
<td>Row2 Content6</td>
<td>Row2 Content7</td>
<td>Row2 Content8</td>
<td>Row3 Content1</td>
<td>Row3 Content2</td>
<td>Row3 Content3</td>
<td>Row3 Content4</td>
<td>Row3 Content5</td>
<td>Row3 Content6</td>
<td>Row3 Content7</td>
<td>Row3 Content8</td>
<td>Row4 Content1</td>
<td>Row4 Content2</td>
<td>Row4 Content3</td>
<td>Row4 Content4</td>
<td>Row4 Content5</td>
<td>Row4 Content6</td>
<td>Row4 Content7</td>
<td>Row4 Content8</td>
<td>Row5 Content1</td>
<td>Row5 Content2</td>
<td>Row5 Content3</td>
<td>Row5 Content4</td>
<td>Row5 Content5</td>
<td>Row5 Content6</td>
<td>Row5 Content7</td>
<td>Row5 Content8</td>
<td>Row6 Content1</td>
<td>Row6 Content2</td>
<td>Row6 Content3</td>
<td>Row6 Content4</td>
<td>Row6 Content5</td>
<td>Row6 Content6</td>
<td>Row6 Content7</td>
<td>Row6 Content8</td>
<td>Row7 Content1</td>
<td>Row7 Content2</td>
<td>Row7 Content3</td>
<td>Row7 Content4</td>
<td>Row7 Content5</td>
<td>Row7 Content6</td>
<td>Row7 Content7</td>
<td>Row7 Content8</td>
<td>Row8 Content1</td>
<td>Row8 Content2</td>
<td>Row8 Content3</td>
<td>Row8 Content4</td>
<td>Row8 Content5</td>
<td>Row8 Content6</td>
<td>Row8 Content7</td>
<td>Row8 Content8</td>
<td>Row9 Content1</td>
<td>Row9 Content2</td>
<td>Row9 Content3</td>
<td>Row9 Content4</td>
<td>Row9 Content5</td>
<td>Row9 Content6</td>
<td>Row9 Content7</td>
<td>Row9 Content8</td>
<td>Row10 Content1</td>
<td>Row10 Content2</td>
<td>Row10 Content3</td>
<td>Row10 Content4</td>
<td>Row10 Content5</td>
<td>Row10 Content6</td>
<td>Row10 Content7</td>
<td>Row10 Content8</td>

<td>Row11 Content1</td>
<td>Row11 Content2</td>
<td>Row11 Content3</td>
<td>Row11 Content4</td>
<td>Row11 Content5</td>
<td>Row11 Content6</td>
<td>Row11 Content7</td>
<td>Row11 Content8</td>
<td>Row12 Content1</td>
<td>Row12 Content2</td>
<td>Row12 Content3</td>
<td>Row12 Content4</td>
<td>Row12 Content5</td>
<td>Row12 Content6</td>
<td>Row12 Content7</td>
<td>Row12 Content8</td>
<td>Row13 Content1</td>
<td>Row13 Content2</td>
<td>Row13 Content3</td>
<td>Row13 Content4</td>
<td>Row13 Content5</td>
<td>Row13 Content6</td>
<td>Row13 Content7</td>
<td>Row13 Content8</td>
<td>Row14 Content1</td>
<td>Row14 Content2</td>
<td>Row14 Content3</td>
<td>Row14 Content4</td>
<td>Row14 Content5</td>
<td>Row14 Content6</td>
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<td>Row15 Content1</td>
<td>Row15 Content2</td>
<td>Row15 Content3</td>
<td>Row15 Content4</td>
<td>Row15 Content5</td>
<td>Row15 Content6</td>
<td>Row15 Content7</td>
<td>Row15 Content8</td>
<td>Row16 Content1</td>
<td>Row16 Content2</td>
<td>Row16 Content3</td>
<td>Row16 Content4</td>
<td>Row16 Content5</td>
<td>Row16 Content6</td>
<td>Row16 Content7</td>
<td>Row16 Content8</td>
<td>Row17 Content1</td>
<td>Row17 Content2</td>
<td>Row17 Content3</td>
<td>Row17 Content4</td>
<td>Row17 Content5</td>
<td>Row17 Content6</td>
<td>Row17 Content7</td>
<td>Row17 Content8</td>
<td>Row18 Content1</td>
<td>Row18 Content2</td>
<td>Row18 Content3</td>
<td>Row18 Content4</td>
<td>Row18 Content5</td>
<td>Row18 Content6</td>
<td>Row18 Content7</td>
<td>Row18 Content8</td>
<td>Row19 Content1</td>
<td>Row19 Content2</td>
<td>Row19 Content3</td>
<td>Row19 Content4</td>
<td>Row19 Content5</td>
<td>Row19 Content6</td>
<td>Row19 Content7</td>
<td>Row19 Content8</td>
<td>Row20 Content1</td>
<td>Row20 Content2</td>
<td>Row20 Content3</td>
<td>Row20 Content4</td>
<td>Row20 Content5</td>
<td>Row20 Content6</td>
<td>Row20 Content7</td>
<td>Row20 Content8</td>

<td>Row21 Content1</td>
<td>Row21 Content2</td>
<td>Row21 Content3</td>
<td>Row21 Content4</td>
<td>Row21 Content5</td>
<td>Row21 Content6</td>
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<td>Row22 Content1</td>
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<td>Row23 Content1</td>
<td>Row23 Content2</td>
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<td>Row27 Content1</td>
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<td>Row27 Content5</td>
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<td>Row28 Content6</td>
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<td>Row28 Content8</td>
<td>Row29 Content1</td>
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<td>Row29 Content5</td>
<td>Row29 Content6</td>
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<td>Row29 Content8</td>
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<td>Row30 Content2</td>
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<td>Row30 Content4</td>
<td>Row30 Content5</td>
<td>Row30 Content6</td>
<td>Row30 Content7</td>
<td>Row30 Content8</td>


Before posting, please read http://watir.com/support. In short: search before 
you ask, be nice.


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