I've "cheated" in the sense that I've used Fiddler by programmatically 
starting and stopping it when running tests.  There looks to be a Linux 
build of it now.  In my case it was ADFS so I feel your pain.


On Tuesday, January 7, 2014 2:31:45 PM UTC-5, Chuck van der Linden wrote:
> This stackoverflow is very similar, and has no answer so far  
> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19178901/integrate-watir-webdriver-and-browsermob-proxy-and-webdriver-user-agent
> I've got some web pages being very flakey and inconsistent (an SSO 
> solution based on shibbolith) and we really need to be able to generate a 
> http traffic log of what happens while the tests are running.
> Tests run in a unix container
> Looking around it seems like something such as BrowserMob/proxy might work 
> well, and there is even a  browsermob-proxy gem written by this 'jarib' guy 
> who I think may know something about watir-webdriver also  (wink wink) 
> It seems like it ought to be possible to use watir-webdriver and 
> browsermob-proxy together to do what is needed to be able to create a proxy 
> logfile of a session of watir tests, but I'm a little at a loss of where to 
> start.    The browsermob readme gives an example for webdriver, but not for 
> watir-webdriver.
> can anyone tell me how I'd go about using browsermob-proxy with 
> watir-webdriver? 
> --Chuck vdL  (posting from the work email since this is work related) 

Before posting, please read http://watir.com/support. In short: search before 
you ask, be nice.


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