On Sunday, December 29, 2013 11:36:23 PM UTC-8, Colin Milyoni wrote:
> Hi folks,
> I'm new to both ruby and to watir, so I apologize in advance if this is a 
> massive rookie mistake. Assistance of any level is greatly appreciated.
> My problem is that I am running into a gigantic delay when executing a 
> simple watir script. This is the first time that I've run into such a large 
> delay.
> The point of the script is to go into Facebook's Developers section, open 
> an app, then individually remove test users from the app by clicking on a 
> checkbox which corresponds to a table row, then clicking a button on the 
> page which initiates a delete action, confirming the delete, then closing 
> the window.  As you can see, I have a while-loop which will end the script 
> once the table has been thinned to only 11.
> Here is the code itself:
> require 'watir-webdriver'
> b = Watir::Browser.new :chrome
> b.goto "http://www.facebook.com";
> b.text_field(:name=> "email").set "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
> b.text_field(:name=> "pass").set "xxxxxxxxxx"
> b.input(:value=>"Log In").click
> b.goto "
> https://developers.facebook.com/apps/1423456271203959/roles?role=test+users
> "
> rows = b.elements(:class=>"odd").size
> while rows > 10
> b.tr<http://www.google.com/url?q=http%3A%2F%2Fb.tr&sa=D&sntz=1&usg=AFQjCNFWCbRTc71PLfqHI3ZwVihaj0l42A>
> (:id =>/test_user/, :index => 10).checkbox(:type =>"checkbox").set
> b.input(:type =>"submit", :value=>"Remove").click
> sleep 1
> b.input(:type =>"button", :value=>"Remove").click
> sleep 1
> sleep 2
> b.input(:type =>"button", :value=>"Close").click
> end
> puts "Purge completed!"
> After running the code line-by-line in IRB, I am able to conclusively 
> isolate the issue to this line of code:
> b.tr(:id =>/test_user/, :index => 10).checkbox(:type =>"checkbox").set
> You can see how long it takes this line to execute by viewing the attached 
> swf file called "Remove problem_with_selecting_ID_12-29-13.swf"
> When this line of code runs, the script takes 30-60 seconds just to run 
> that single line of code.  Apparently that method is a little too complex, 
> but I'm not sure exactly why that is.  Would anyone be able to explain to 
> me what the problem is exactly?  My hunch is that the way that it is 
> parsing the DOM for that method is very inefficient.  I'm sure there is 
> another way I could write my code but I would most be interesting in being 
> pointed to a resource which explains why it is that this is so inefficient. 
> I'd really appreciate that.
> Thanks,
> Colin

I don't know the technical reason, but it does seem that once you get 
inside a table, things can be very slow.

as an alternative (although the suggestion to use the FB API is superior) 
you could try building a collection of rows, check that the size is above 
11, and if so have it iterate over the first size-11 elements in the row 
collection setting the checkbox

user_rows = b.trs(:class => 'odd')
if rows.size > 10
  10..rows.size-1 do |i|
    rows[i].checkbox(:type =>"checkbox").set
  b.input(:type =>"submit", :value=>"Remove").click
  sleep 1
  b.input(:type =>"button", :value=>"Remove").click
    b.input(:type =>"button", :value=>"Close").click

or something along those lines (I'm making some assumptions about their UI 
that you can check multiple boxen and then purge all at once

Before posting, please read http://watir.com/support. In short: search before 
you ask, be nice.


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