On Thursday, January 9, 2014 3:52:53 PM UTC-8, Sanjeev Singh wrote:
> This is so nice of you Chuck. This really worked. Both the codes to click 
> on the button also worked.
> Just one thing I am unsure about is the behavior of the Firefox browser. 
> When I run the below 3 lines of code, I get the below(image). They are 
> supposed to be like the second image. But this issue did not happen in IE.
> The difference between the 2 images is that in the second image I can 
> click on any of the 2 searched results to navigate to the next screen. But 
> both the results in the 1st image is not clickable.
> <https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-kDthauenpcw/Us81CKfheWI/AAAAAAAAACw/J8Okq-cm1Sc/s1600/Capture1.JPG>
> <https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-ndtElxyqAuU/Us81bQ5KjwI/AAAAAAAAAC4/MJMh1zYLx1k/s1600/Capture2.JPG>
> Thank you so much again...!!! Really appreciate your time.
That sounds like you might have browser compatibility issues,  very little 
that watir could do would cause something that is supposed to be clickable 
to not be clickable.  that is more likely a failure on the server or client 
side javascript to function properly when it created that part of the page. 

On Thursday, January 9, 2014 12:10:40 AM UTC-5, Sanjeev Singh wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> I am trying the below code and it is really really slow to respond....
>> browser.div(:id => "context-wrapper").frame(:id => 
>> "ConcertoContext").div(:id => "cpo-folder").div(:class => 
>> "cpo-content-wrapper").div(:class => "cpo-content").frame(:id => 
>> "application-content").frame(:name => "SearchFilter").div(:class => 
>> "dt-filter filter").form(:id => "filterForm").text_field(:id => 
>> "attribute.Name-given").set "DEMO"
>> browser.div(:id => "context-wrapper").frame(:id => 
>> "ConcertoContext").div(:id => "cpo-folder").div(:class => 
>> "cpo-content-wrapper").div(:class => "cpo-content").frame(:id => 
>> "application-content").frame(:name => "SearchFilter").div(:class => 
>> "dt-filter filter").form(:id => "filterForm").text_field(:id => 
>> "attribute.Name-surname").set "HIEONE"
>> browser.div(:id => "context-wrapper").frame(:id => 
>> "ConcertoContext").div(:id => "cpo-folder").div(:class => 
>> "cpo-content-wrapper").div(:class => "cpo-content").frame(:id => 
>> "application-content").frame(:name => "SearchFilter").div(:class => 
>> "dt-filter filter").div(:class => "actions").span(:id => 
>> "default-button").span(:class => "first-child").button(:id => 
>> "default-button-button").click
>> All of the above 3 lines of code takes 3-4 minutes each to execute and by 
>> the time the last line gets executed the browser session expires.
>> Please help me if there is any quicker way to find out the last object 
>> and set the values.
>> Thanks in advance...!!! 

Before posting, please read http://watir.com/support. In short: search before 
you ask, be nice.


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