You may be able to offset the click.  See referernce:
Alternately if the object can be tabbed to manually then set focus to the 
preceding element and .send_keys { : tab, ;enter }.

On Thursday, August 21, 2014 2:32:44 PM UTC-5, C G Emerson wrote:
> Hello all. 
> I am new to Ruby/Watir/Webdriver and am having trouble getting watir 
> webdriver to recognize the click on an image in IE when the image is 
> partially "behind" another image. 
> I can get Webdriver to recognize the click in Firefox and Chrome, just not 
> with IE9 (same issue in IE10 confirmed by a colleague) - although I have to 
> invoke the click a little differently between Firefox and Chrome (more 
> below). Ideally I would like to use the same script and just make the 
> browser a variable input.
> The relevant HTML goes something like** this :
>      <div id= "containerofthings">
>      <img id="containerimage" >
>    <div id= "thing1">
>    <img id=thing1image">
>    </div>
>    <div id= "thing2">
>    <img id=thing2image">
>    </div>
>    </div>
> thing1image and thing2image are rectangular. thing2image is approx.1/4 
> size of thing1image. thing2image has a z-index set to 1 and is positioned 
> via css to be at the top right quarter of thing1image like this: 
> In all three browsers I'm testing, IE, FF and Chrome, *I can successfully 
> invoke a click on the thing2image with no issue*. 
> The problem comes in when I try to click on thing1image. The behavior is 
> different in the different browsers being tested. 
> 1) Firefox -  I can click on thing1image with no issues but the same is 
> not true on Chrome or IE. 
> 2) Chrome - I can invoke a click of thing1 (div) and that works in Chrome 
> but not in Firefox or IE. I can't invoke the click of thing1image as it 
> yields an error. 
> 3) IE9 - I tried click on the thing1image, but its registering as a click 
> on thing2image (no error message just not invoking the proper click 
> result).  When the browser is launched through webdriver, I can't manually 
> click on thing1image until the script concludes running (it times out since 
> the element I'm looking for which results from the click isn't there). Once 
> webdriver is no longer running I can click on the thing1image and invoke 
> the processing as intended. I tried numerous options in IRB but wasn't able 
> to successfully invoke the click of thing1image. It's as though I can never 
> get "around" thing2image to reach thing1image.
> Has anyone seen this before and if so can you suggest how to resolve so I 
> can invoke the click in IE via Watir-Webdriver? 
> If this should be cross posted to the Selenium group please let me know. 
> ** Note: The real code is much more complex than this as the container div 
> is part of an element in a dynamic grid which is draggable and the 
> application uses JSF, PrimeFaces, JQuery etc. 
> Installed versions are as follows: selenium-webdriver (2.42.0),  test-unit 
> (, watir-webdriver (0.6.10), ruby 2.0.0p481.
> Thank you! 
> -C

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