Hi All,

In below code I am trying to iterate 2 loops of data from data sheet one 
positive and one negative scenario and using “logger” to log “PASS” and 
“FAIL”. Problem I am facing are 

1. When I run the script with negative “say invalid password” the script 
stops at line marked in Red bold *“if @browser.text.include?("Signed 
in!").should then” *

*Login with Data file Login with DatafileFailure/Error: if 
@browser.text.include?("Signed in!").should == true thenexpected: truegot: 
false (using ==)*

I don’t want the script to stop, it should log as “FAIL” and continue with 
next iteration with positive condition. What is that I am doing wrong here 
also is there better way to handle this? Below is the code I am using

2.       Is there a way to get the row count of active spread sheet instead 
of hardcoding

while @rows <= *2*

It would be of great help if someone can answer to above questions. Thanks 
in advance.

*Code :*
while @rows <= 2

$log.info("** PAGE URL **")

$log.info @browser.url

username=@wrksheet.cells(@rows,"A") ['text']

password=@wrksheet.cells(@rows,"B") ['text']
assesrtion=@wrksheet.cells(@rows,"c") ['text']

@browser.text_field(:id, "username").set(username)

$log.info("** UserName Entered **")
$log.info username

@browser.text_field(:id, "password").set(password)
$log.info("** Password Entered **")
$log.info password

@browser.button(:value,"Sign in").click

*if @browser.text.include?("Signed in!").should == true then*

*$log.info "PASS"*


*$log.info "FAIL"*





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