
I tried using browser.span(:text, 'Submit').click,
It worked.

Thank you all !!

On Wed, Jul 22, 2015 at 10:28 AM, Chuck van der Linden <sqa...@gmail.com>

> On Tuesday, July 21, 2015 at 5:24:04 AM UTC-7, Mahesh Mesta wrote:
>> I'm using watir to perform automated testing for an application and
>> trying to click on a submit button once I select options for select list
>> and fill up the form.However on clicking the button, it throws element not
>> found error
>> The html snippet for button tag
>> <button type="submit" class="md-primary md-raised md-button md-default-
>> theme" ng-transclude=""><span class="ng-binding
>> ng-scope">Submit</span><div style="" class="md-ripple-container"></div>   
>> </button>
>> The ruby script
>> require "watir"require "watir-webdriver"
>> browser =  Watir::Browser.new :firefox
>> browser.goto ''
>> browser.driver.manage.window.maximize
>> browser.button(:class =>'sign-in md-button md-default-theme').click
>> browser.text_field(:id =>'input_001').set('abcad...@example.com')
>> browser.text_field(:id =>'input_002').set('password')
>> browser.button(:class =>'md-primary md-raised md-button md-default-
>> theme').click
>> browser.input(:id =>'input_002').when_present.click
>> browser.element(aria_label:'What do you want to do?').when_present.click
>> browser.element(:id =>'select_option_00G').when_present.click
>> browser.element(aria_label:'About what?').when_present.click
>> browser.element(:id =>'select_option_00P').when_present.click
>> browser.textarea(:id =>'input_00N').when_present.set('Discuss about
>> javascript and later test the application??')
>> browser.button(:class =>'md-primary md-raised md-button md-default-
>> theme').click
>> It throws the following error
>> Selenium::WebDriver::Error::ElementNotVisibleError: Element is not
>> currently visible and so may not be interacted with
>> I tried using
>> browser.button(:class =>'md-primary md-raised md-button md-default-
>> theme').when_present.click
>> ,but it will throw time out error.Not able to rectify the error .Plz help
>> !!
> So the error you are seeing means that webdriver itself is able to find an
> element using the criteria you specified, but it believes the element is
> not visible to the user (off screen, hidden, or covered by another
> element).  Webdriver tries very hard to not allow you to do something a
> real user could not do, so while it was able to locate the element in the
> DOM, if it does not believe that a user could 'see' the button it refuses
> to click on it and throws the error you saw.
> There are a few possibilities as to what could cause this in a case where
> you can 'see' the button.  The most likely is that there is more than one
> button in the DOM with the class combination you specified, which is often
> the case in fancy sites with multiple 'pop-up' UI elements, Tabs, etc where
> DOM elements are appearing and disappearing by tweeks to their css
> settings..
> To check for that, you can get a count of the number of elements that
> match your specification
> count =  browser.buttons(:class =>'md-primary md-raised md-button
> md-default-theme').size
> puts "there are #{count} buttons of the type we are looking for"
> if the count is larger than 1, then likely watir is finding the first button 
> that matches (which it will in this case) but that button is hidden.  You 
> will likely want to find a container (e.g. if the UI has tabs, the div that 
> contains the contents of the active tab) and specify that watir should look 
> inside that element to find the button you want.  which might look something 
> like
> browser.div(:name => 'Tab3').button(:class =>'md-primary md-raised md-button 
> md-default-theme').click
>  --
> --
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