On Tuesday, December 12, 2017 at 9:56:46 AM UTC-8, rajagopalan madasami 
> I am using watir over selenium for two reasons, one reason is waiting 
> timings are maintained by local language binding but selenium is 
> maintaining timing from driver level , since selenium uses the timing from 
> driver level it differs from Firefox to Chrome, but since WATIR is 
> maintaining timing from local language binding it doesn't matter whether I 
> use Chrome or Firefox. Another reason is stale element problem, WATIR 
> relocates the element when element  goes to stale other than that I don't 
> use any other features of WATIR because everything else is time consuming 
> like xpah formation. So if you simply allow element () to access selenium 
> locators directly it would be useful for me rather than unnecessary 
> deprecating what word extraordinary.
>>  When you say *xpath formation*, are you referring to figuring out xpath 
to use for selecting elements, or something internal to the code?

I'm a bit surprised if the first as I almost never use xpath, in fact I 
avoid it, when selecting elements,  I'm nearly always using something like 
ID, or Name, or Data-something, or Class , or increasingly of late CSS 
selectors (whatever allows me to uniquely locate the element(s) I need).  
For me the main objective is clear readable code which is as non-brittle as 
possible.   So for something like the makemytrip site I'd be selecting 
things such as 

browser.text_field(id: "hp-widget__sTo")


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