Ok, Titus, but why use click on self?
Just searched the web for documentation on tap, couldnt find it.

Could you please point me to if any?

On Thursday, 20 September 2018 20:50:21 UTC+10, NaviHan wrote:
> I have a bag page where I have applied two coupons. Once the coupons are 
> applied the source looks like this
> <div class="small-12 all-applied-coupons column promo-codes-list">
> <h5 class="applied-promo-codes-title">Applied codes:</h5>
> <div class="row promo-code-row">
> <div class="small-8 large-6 xxlarge-8 column small-text-left 
> promo-code-column">
> <span class="promo-code-item">
> 9840150120702065
> </span>
> </div>
> <div class="column small-text-right">
> <button type="button" class="pointer" value="9840150120702065" id=
> "delete-coupon">
> <span class="icon icon-cross-standard-small-black"></span>
> <span class="underline align-text remove-promo-code">Remove</span>
> </button>
> </div>
> </div>
> <div class="row promo-code-row">
> <div class="small-8 large-6 xxlarge-8 column small-text-left 
> promo-code-column">
> <span class="promo-code-item">
> autotest_order
> </span>
> </div>
> <div class="column small-text-right">
> <button type="button" class="pointer" value="autotest_order" id=
> "delete-coupon">
> <span class="icon icon-cross-standard-small-black"></span>
> <span class="underline align-text remove-promo-code">Remove</span>
> </button>
> </div>
> </div>
> </div>
> There is a remove link(button) against each coupon. Basically my test 
> clicks these buttons to remove them
> I have the page object defined as and the step def and method as follows
> buttons(:delete_coupon, :id => 'delete-coupon')
> And(/^the customer removes the coupons\/vouchers from Bag Page$/) do |
> table|
>   on(MybagPage) do |page|
>     @remove_voucher_list = table.hashes
>     @remove_voucher_list.each {|data|
>       page.remove_voucher_from_bag data['voucher_id']
>     }
>   end
> def remove_voucher_from_bag coupon_id
>   delete_coupon_elements.find{|el| el.value.to_s == coupon_id.to_s}.click
> end
> The script removes the coupon "9840150120702065", but when trying to 
> remove the next coupon fails with folowing message
> Watir::Exception::UnknownObjectException: timed out after 30 seconds, 
> waiting for #<Watir::Button: located: false; {:id=>"delete-coupon", 
> :tag_name=>"button", :index=>1}> to be located; Maybe look in an iframe?
> ./features/support/pages/Frontend/Cotton_On/Mybag_Page.rb:141:in `block 
> in remove_voucher_from_bag'
> Any clue whats missing here?

Before posting, please read 
In short: search before you ask, be nice.

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