Hi Sam

Im getting this weird error when running the script on Jenkins box. Its a 
machine of AWS. Any clue?

31m features/Loyalty_Memberships-AU.feature:189:in `And the perks overlay popup 
closes' [0m 2018-09-24 16:11:50 WARN Watir Screenshot Stitch [DEPRECATION] 
Passing the browser is deprecated and will no longer work in version 0.7.0 
/lib/watir-screenshot-stitch.rb:31  [31m `convert -size 1920x1957 xc:white 
./screenshots/Button Function Checkout with an email address without a website 
account without PERKS membership hit Continue As Guest 
_failure_2018-09-24_1611.png` failed with error: [0m  [31m Invalid Parameter - 
1920x1957  [0m  [31m (MiniMagick::Error) [0m  [31m 
./features/support/hooks.rb:86:in `take_screenshot' [0m  [31m 
./features/support/hooks.rb:71:in `After' [0m  [36mScenario Failed ! [0m

On Thursday, 20 September 2018 21:14:17 UTC+10, NaviHan wrote:
> Hi 
> I have put this code in the hooks which takes scresnshot when a test 
> fails. The issue is that Im not getting the full browser screen. Its chops 
> off at the bottom
> After do |scenario|
>  take_screenshot(@browser, scenario)
> end
> def take_screenshot(browser, scenario)
>   time = Time.now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H%M")
>   if scenario.failed?
>     scenario_name = scenario.name.gsub(/[^\w\-]/, ' ')
>     screenshot_path =  "#{scenario_name}" + "_failure_" + time
>     @browser.screenshot.save("./screenshots/#{screenshot_path}.png")
>   end
> end
> By the way my before hooks looks like this.
> Before do|scenario|
>         ENV['HTTP_PROXY'] = ENV['http_proxy'] = nil
>         @browser.goto "https://www.sandbox.paypal.com";
>         @browser.cookies.clear
>         @browser.goto "https://portal-sandbox.afterpay.com";
>         @browser.cookies.clear
>         @browser.goto "https://i-pay.co.za";
>         @browser.cookies.clear
>         @browser.goto("ci.XXX.com/")
>         @browser.window.maximize
>         @browser.driver.manage.timeouts.implicit_wait = 0
>         @browser.cookies.clear
>         @browser.driver.manage.window.maximize
>         PageObject.default_element_wait=(10)
>         PageObject.javascript_framework = :jquery
> end #before scenario

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