On 05/31/2013 08:40 PM, Daniel Stone wrote:

On 31 May 2013 13:08, Rob Bradford <robert.bradf...@intel.com> wrote:
+    <event name="name">

This needs since="2".

And the new event needs to appear after all version 1 events and requests. The scanner expects the since field to be non-decreasing. It will throw an error if it finds a decrease in the value and assumes all fields have the same value as the last previous field that had the value set. For example:

<event name="a" since="2">

<request name="b">

In this case, request b also has since="2".

<event name="a" since="2">

<request name="b" since="1">

This would cause the scanner to fail with "since version not increasing".

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