- When the compositor creates a shell_surface having the TOPLEVEL type,
it sets a numeral ID for it, and sends a "map" event to the desktop_shell client ;

You must allow a "toplevel" to become a non-toplevel and vice-versa, otherwise useful api for rearranging windows is impossible. My recommendation is that a surface has a "parent" that can be changed at any time to any other surface or to NULL, the only restriction is that a loop cannot be created. In any case please do not make a "type" called TOPLEVEL.

- if it should be hidden, then the compositor sends the shell_surface to a new
weston_layer named "taskbar_layer". This layer is not displayed at all.

NO! The compositor must only send a "hide request" to the client. The client MUST be in final control over when and how it's surfaces disappear. This is to allow it to atomically remove child surfaces or to reparent them to other surfaces that are not being hidden.

When their "minimize" button is pressed, they now call a taskbar_move_surface() function which will do the former, and additionally send a hint to the desktop_shell
that this has been done (so the corresponding taskbar button stays tuned).

I'm not clear on why the former api can't do this and you felt a new api had to be added.
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