Le 27/02/2014 04:27, Quanxian Wang a écrit :
These patches will provide weston randr protocol,
its implementation and randr application.

The idea is from xrandr provided by xserver. *Dynamic* mode
setting is the main objective of this protocol. Remember,
it is one shot operation. For example, if setting the mode,
just call one request wl_randr_set_mode without any other operation.

With this protocol, weston-wrandr application is developped to help
user implement randr protocol in command line just like xrandr command
in xserver.

Hi Quanxian,

I have submitted such functionality one year ago:
http://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/wayland-devel/2013-March/007872.html. The scope was smaller (targeting essentially mode resolution) but it was working.

At the time there were no real enthusiasm, some people were even against. Perhaps some have changed their mind since.


David FORT
website: http://www.hardening-consulting.com/
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