On Sun, Aug 3, 2014 at 8:43 AM, Pekka Paalanen <ppaala...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Sun, 3 Aug 2014 07:30:25 -0400
> "Jasper St. Pierre" <jstpie...@mecheye.net> wrote:
> > On Sun, Aug 3, 2014 at 6:27 AM, Pekka Paalanen <ppaala...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> >
> > > On Fri, 1 Aug 2014 17:08:14 +0200
> > > Manuel Bachmann <manuel.bachm...@open.eurogiciel.org> wrote:
> > >
> > > > Hello everybody,
> > > >
> > > > I just updated the repo today (
> > > >
> > >
> https://github.com/Tarnyko/weston-xdg_surface_present/commit/0aca29d4b6dbe10d5237aaf5f35f72d25db3ac30
> > > ).
> > > > The "xdg_surface_present()" request not accepts a timestamp (uint32_t
> > > type)
> > > > as an additional parameter.
> > > >
> > > > If different of 0, and it is the first time the surface should be
> shown,
> > > > the shell will check if a significant amount of time passed between
> this
> > > > timestamp and the actual present() request, and it it did, will show
> a
> > > > notification instead of directly mapping the surface.
> > > >
> > > > You can see a demo here (1st case immediate, 2nd case delayed) :
> > > > https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IDa2W_xMg10
> > > >
> > > > The implementation is still pretty naive, but I will improve it with
> the
> > > > following considerations :
> > > > - if any of the application surfaces focused, or not ;
> > > > - are we on the same workspace ;
> > > > - etc.
> > > >
> > > > Interested in your feedback on the protocol definition especially.
> > >
> > > Like has already been said about the request name, I agree with the
> > > following points:
> > > - "raise" does not describe what it does
> > > - "activate" does not describe what it does, activate is already
> > >   related to decorations state etc. whether the window is
> > >   "currently in focus" or activated, I believe.
> > >
> > > And I add one:
> > > - "present" is confusing, because presenting means hitting the
> > >   screen, and the term is heavily used in the future Presentation
> > >   extension, which is on a lower level than shell.
> > >
> > > I think "attention" or some variation of it is perfect. A client or
> > > window is requesting attention... that describes exactly what it is
> > > about.
> > >
> >
> > I'm a bit concerned about "attention", because toolkit authors usually
> have
> > both a "present this window" and "mark this window as needing attention"
> > API. Under X11, one maps to _NET_WM_ACTIVATE and the other maps to the
> > _NET_WM_STATE_DEMANDS_ATTENTION flag. This request is the former, not the
> > latter. If somebody IMs me, the taskbar button might blink, but it should
> > never immediately raise and show the window.
> >
> > There's also on guarantee that this request will do focus-stealing or pay
> > attention to the serial at all. For users that turn the behavior off, the
> > window will simply pop up in front of them, and if app developers start
> > using this as a non-obtrusive way of trying to gain attention, they will
> be
> > disappointed.
> >
> > I don't want to bikeshed on the list though. I'll continue to brainstorm.
> Right, ACTIVATE vs. DEMANDS_ATTENTION. I assume these are two
> different things in X11, as the client can simply force its way.

_NET_WM_ACTIVATE in X11 says "please show this window to the user". It's
used for instance if I have an IM open with a person, and then I click
their name in the buddy list again. It will switch to that window. It's
used when clicking on a link and having the web browser open a new tab in
its existing window. Or when opening files in a new tab in gedit. There is
an event timestamp passed along, and the window-manager will switch to it
if it's new enough. There is no guarantee the window will be immediately
raised and available. The window manager *might* decide to downgrade the
request to saying the window wants attention. This is what mutter does if
the event timestamp is too old. [0] Imagine I click on a link, Firefox
takes a while to start up, and then I keep chatting with my friend. Instead
of having Firefox steal the focus, the request is downgraded to a blinking
taskbar icon or a notification, so my keystrokes now go to my friend
instead of being interrupted mid-type.

_NET_WM_STATE_DEMANDS_ATTENTION in X11 is a hint to say "the window wants
some attention. Feel free to show a notification, or blink the taskbar
icon". It should never switch to the window.

The proposed xdg_surface_present() extension is equivalent to
_NET_WM_ACTIVATE. I am fine with calling it xdg_surface_activate().


"Present this window" OTOH just means "map this window", and I do
> not see an obvious reason why we would need that in the
> Wayland protocol, as we can do the same with the first
> wl_surface.commit that carries a wl_buffer. Sorry I haven't read
> everything, maybe you already explained somewhere why we need a
> "map/show" request? Do we have a way to hide, too?
> Note, that I imagine this is different to ACTIVATE, since in my
> mind activating means getting some input focus and maybe even
> raising to top. Quite likely I am just confused here on what you
> mean, I'm playing based on what the names sound like.
> On Wayland, we cannot have "activate me now" request, we can only
> have "I would like to be activated because...", and OTOH we have
> the concept of demanding attention.
> What is the difference between demanding attention and wishing to
> be activated? I didn't see a difference, and so conflated the
> concepts.
> And which one was this xdg_surface_present supposed to be?
> Those two questions are my confusion here.
> If it is about ACTIVATE, call it something like "activate" then.
> > > >    <request name="present">
> > > >      <description summary="map the surface in the current context">
> > > >        Calling this request on a newly-created shell surface
> > > >        is mandatory to map it to the current graphical context.
> > > >
> > > >        If the request is called more than once, the shell will
> > > >        send interactive GUI notifications, so the user can bring
> > > > the surface back easily.
> > > >      </description>
> > > >      <arg name="serial" type="uint" summary="serial for advanced
> focus
> > > management, can be 0"/>
> > > >    </request>
> > >
> > > Judging from the discussion so far, I don't think should have
> > > anything to do with the client mapping the surface. The compositor
> > > can and should do focus stealing prevention always, and whether you
> > > send one more request or not is irrelevant, also for mapping. Isn't
> > > the mapping of a top-level window an implied request for attention?
> > >
> >
> > We currently don't have a serial or timestamp in get_xdg_surface to do
> > focus-prevention stealing on, and I figured that that calling present
> made
> > sense, since then we don't have the "map on first commit semantics".
> > Instead, now we have a request for "show the window to the user".
> > > You didn't document what the serial really is, where do you get
> > > one, how it is used, or what it causes, and what special meaning
> > > does 0 have. Note, that we explicitly define serial to not be a
> > > timestamp in Wayland, they are two completely different concepts.
> > >
> > > Also, considering that a serial is not cross-client thing, what use
> > > cases would the serial here have? Could this request be used by a
> > > client to activate a top-level window B as a response to a user
> > > action in its window A? Would that be in or out of scope for this
> > > request?
> > >
> > > In the case of App1 launching App2 and using the launch-token
> > > protocol I sketched in the other email, App2's top-level window
> > > will already be implictly associated with App1 launching it. The
> > > question there is, do we need an explicit association? Like, if you
> > > can get a new serial from the launch-token in App2, you could
> > > "activate" already existing windows (the Kate use case) by passing
> > > that serial with attention request. Or activate several top-level
> > > windows, or just one top-level window that yet was not the
> > > first one created by App2.
> > >
> > > Anyway, these are just my ideas, and I don't know how much they
> > > make sense, because I don't know how these things work currently in
> > > X11. I just got the funny idea that launch-notification would be
> > > related here.
> > >
> >
> > On X11, we have startup-notification, which is basically a hash map done
> as
> > a sequence of add/remove broadcast ClientMessages. When you launch an
> app,
> > you build a "startup notification" structure containing the thing you're
> > launching and the event timestamp it was launched with, and send it as a
> > ClientMessage. You then send the ID of that structure to the app, and
> when
> > the app finally launches, the app broadcasts that it had launched, which
> > removes the app from everybody's tracking.
> >
> > The important thing is actually the middle one: telling the app what ID
> it
> > has. This is done with the DESKTOP_STARTUP_ID envvar.
> >
> > In places where startup-notification is too complicated, we have a
> somewhat
> > silly ad-hoc convention that's not documented. You can set
> > DESKTOP_STARTUP_ID to "_TIME123456", and that gives the app the event
> > timestamp it was launched with, which it can use for _NET_WM_ACTIVATE and
> > some other things.
> >
> > We could reuse this same scheme for Wayland. Put an event serial or a
> event
> > timestamp in DESKTOP_STARTUP_ID so it knows what to pass to the initial
> > present request.
> Very good, except I do not believe a timestamp is a good one (easy
> to fake, does not identify anything) nor a serial (does not
> identify anything, is perhaps not a global concept), so you need to
> ask the server to explicitly create a cookie for you to give to
> the app being launched. And if the "present" request uses a serial,
> the cookie needs to be converted to serial first, or maybe rather
> another "present" request that directly uses the cookie.

I had two (admittedly silly) issues with serials that made me choose
timestamps instead of serials.

The first is that I didn't realize that they were on input events, because
I looked at wl_pointer.motion. I suppose we'll be in trouble if we ever
want mouse-gesture-based window opening, but for now, I think we're fine.

The second is that "0" is a valid value for a serial, and sometimes you're
in a place where you want to present a window and don't have any serial to
pass back. Initial map where you don't have a launch serial (terminal
launching is the obvious case) is a simple example. You can imagine other
cases, though. A browser might do this:

    setTimeout(function() {
    }, 5000);

Which says to the browser to open a new window after 5 seconds. We have no
serial to pass here. Timestamps of 0 are decidedly less valid, so there's a
good sentinel value there.

Suggestions welcome. Both having two requests and a boolean "serial_valid"
flag were both ugly to me. Maybe we should add maybe types to the protocol?

But I'm glad my naive thinking got to roughly the same solution you
> already have in X11. :-)
> Hmm, or do we not need to create any association between the
> client that launches and and the client that is launched? If we
> don't, then I suppose a serial would do for focus stealing
> prevention, but I don't think it would work well for dismissing the
> startup-notification.
> Thanks,
> pq

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