Hey Pekka,

On Tue, Sep 29, 2015 at 3:53 PM, Pekka Paalanen <ppaala...@gmail.com> wrote:


>> > Whoever is a known expert on that area.
>> >
>> > Who decides who is an expert? Uhh...
>> It wouldn't be good if every maintainer thinks like that :), even
>> worse if that results in no action taken... I understand the
>> difficulties of knowing/picking such go-to person, or becoming an
>> expert yourself on whatever topic there is at hand, but I would like
>> to point out the vicious circle where slow review lead to "becoming
>> trusted" taking ages, so the amount of people that have a say remain
>> static and overburdened.
> That's definitely a problem we have. Do you have any suggestions how to
> overcome that?

I've got nothing realistic or substantial :(. The obvious factors are
people and time, the question remains about how to start tweaking
those at all.

I would like to throw the idea of holding a regular
conference/meeting/bof though, I think it's a nice way to passively
check the state of development around other areas, seeing working code
in action without keeping track of extraneous branches/compositors,
questions triggered can just be asked, could gather people from
several DEs and toolkits so consensus is more tangible, etc...

I know there's been irregular meetings around other larger events, but
those have been spotty so far...

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