On Mon, 12 Oct 2015 10:41:22 +0200
Erik De Rijcke <derijcke.e...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Adding enum members is backward compatible for Java. If you compile against
> an enum with 2 members, and later on a new member is added, you can simply
> use the new version of the enum.
> Important however is that the order of old members do not change when new
> members are added.

This is important. I don't think anyone has ever mentioned anything
like this before.

We certainly have not expected the order to matter inside an <enum>
tag, since we require the value to be explicitly given. Not when you
are coming from C, anyway.

Apparently we would need to start enforcing the rule:

        "Only ever add new enum value to the end of a closed enum."

Yeah, now we also need the concept of open and closed enums, because
for something like used in xdg-shell for window states, the whole enum
concept doesn't work e.g. in Java (I hear).

Should we be adding all these to the Wayland XML language or not?


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