
We could execute the Weston compositor (using fbdev backend) in a
terminal, we could execute the weston-info client and it prints
information, however when we execute the weston-terminal client, it
couldn't open a window on the compositor.

We start the Weston compositor in a terminal:

mkdir -p /var/lib/xdg
chmod 0700 /var/lib/xdg
export XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=/var/lib/xdg
mkdir -p /usr/share/X11/xkb

weston --tty=1 --backend=fbdev-backend.so --shell=fullscreen-shell.so
Date: 2015-10-13 UTC
[14:16:17.765] weston 1.9.0
               Bug reports to:
               Build: 1.9.0 configure.ac: bump to version 1.9.0 for
the official release (2015-09-21 18:11:26 -0700)
[14:16:17.772] OS: Linux, 3.0.101-BSP-dm37x-2.4-4, #33 Tue Oct 13
12:33:51 CEST 2015, armv7l
[14:16:17.777] Starting with no config file.
[14:16:17.781] Loading module '/usr/lib/weston/fbdev-backend.so'
[14:16:17.810] Output repaint window is 7 ms maximum.
[14:16:17.814] initializing fbdev backend
[14:16:17.820] Creating fbdev output.
[14:16:17.823] Opening fbdev frame buffer.
[14:16:17.826] Calculating pixman format from:
                - type: 0 (aux: 0)
                - visual: 2
                - bpp: 32 (grayscale: 0)
                - red: offset: 16, length: 8, MSB: 0
                - green: offset: 8, length: 8, MSB: 0
                - blue: offset: 0, length: 8, MSB: 0
                - transp: offset: 0, length: 0, MSB: 0
[14:16:17.829] Mapping fbdev frame buffer.
[14:16:17.834] fbdev output 800×600 px
               guessing 60 Hz and 96 dpi
[14:16:17.863] input device 'NOVATEK USB Keyboard', /dev/input/event2
is tagged by udev as: Keyboard
[14:16:17.866] input device 'NOVATEK USB Keyboard', /dev/input/event2
is a keyboard
[14:16:17.881] input device 'NOVATEK USB Keyboard', /dev/input/event3
is tagged by udev as: Keyboard
[14:16:17.884] input device 'NOVATEK USB Keyboard', /dev/input/event3
is a keyboard
[14:16:17.898] input device 'twl4030_pwrbutton', /dev/input/event1 is
tagged by udev as: Keyboard
[14:16:17.900] input device 'twl4030_pwrbutton', /dev/input/event1 is a keyboard
[14:16:17.914] input device 'ft5x06-i2c', /dev/input/event0 is tagged
by udev as: Keyboard Touchscreen
[14:16:17.918] input device 'ft5x06-i2c', /dev/input/event0 is a keyboard
[14:16:17.921] input device 'ft5x06-i2c', /dev/input/event0 is a touch device
[14:16:17.931] Compositor capabilities:
               arbitrary surface rotation: yes
               screen capture uses y-flip: yes
               presentation clock: CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW, id 4
[14:16:17.940] Loading module '/usr/lib/weston/fullscreen-shell.so'

On other terminal, we execute the clients:

Joauqim Duran
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