Title: Samsung Enterprise Portal mySingle

>> Also (on the patch) it looks like if there is an error it destroys the
>> wl_socket object, could this do the wrong thing if the fd was supplied from
>> outside?

> So like if the socket object couldn't be initted or added to the display
> for some reason, it will call wl_socket_destroy() on the socket, which
> will close the file descriptor and the fd lock.  So I guess this
> question basically boils down to is it allowed for the client to close
> the file descriptor it was given?

> I'll defer to Sangjin on that but I should imagine that the client is
> being given a unique file descriptor to use as it sees fit, including
> closing it.  Even without errors, Wayland will eventually call
> wl_socket_destroy at program exit, so the fd is destined to be closed
> one way or another.

I also think like bryce.

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