On Sat, 3 Dec 2016 14:48:53 +1100
David Piper <drppub...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I'll be pushing along in Ubuntu for now but I thought I should throw the
> question out here - what is the best dev loop for working with Wayland?
> Should I be using Ubuntu or should I look for an OS that supports Wayland
> out of the box? What kind of environment setup would make things faster?

I suppose the choice of OS/distribution makes most difference in how
easy it is to get all the dependencies of weston.

For working with Weston there are a few ways. If you work on a shell or
the core, you can run weston nested: it works on both X11 and Wayland
display servers. If you work on a specific backend, you obviously need
to use that backend. For working on direct-to-hardware backends like
DRM it will help a lot to have a second computer, since failures can
leave your local console unresponsive or broken.

If you want to work on weston-launch, then you'd need a system that
does not use logind, since the whole point of weston-launch is to offer
a fallback for systems not using logind.


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