On Tue, 2017-04-04 at 20:32 +0900, Carsten Haitzler wrote:
> On Tue, 4 Apr 2017 10:22:24 +1000 Peter Hutterer <peter.hutterer@who-
> t.net>
> said:
> > On Tue, Apr 04, 2017 at 08:16:03AM +0900, Carsten Haitzler wrote:
> > > On Fri, 31 Mar 2017 17:29:19 +1000 Peter Hutterer <peter.hutterer
> > > @who-t.net>
> > > said:
> > > 
> > > If you're going to do this ... why not just do it for keyboards,
> > > mice, touch
> > > panels etc. too?
> > 
> > all these have desktop interactions that the compositor needs.
> > joysticks
> > generally don't, the compositor doesn't care about the events.
> if the gamepad is the only input you have... then the exact same
> things would
> apply. home button, power button, menu button on a gamepad/joystick
> etc. would
> have the same use cases as alt+tab , f1, f2, ctl+alt+del etc. etc.

There's two possible solutions to this problem:
- evdev gives you the ability the mask certain events. The compositor
can keep one fd open masking everything but the power/menu/etc.
buttons, and pass an fd to the app with just the power/menu/etc.
buttons masked. The compositor can then choose to do something special
with those buttons
- you can specify a new fd_type, as mentioned in the spec, which your
application would need to know how to handle. That can be used to
implement the simpler protocol that got sent a couple of months ago.

> > > My point is - the same reasons these other devices don't be lazy
> > > and stick
> > > their heads in the sand with these other devices are the same
> > > reasons
> > > joysticks, gamepads etc. etc. should also be UNDERSTOOD by the
> > > compositor
> > > before passing them on so they compositor can filter out special
> > > buttons
> > > (eg a power button and handle it internally, or a "home" button
> > > to go back
> > > to the home screen etc.).
> > > 
> > > The "I'll just pass the fd and otherwise have no idea what is
> > > going on" is
> > > sticking your head in the sand and avoiding a solution.
> > 
> > hence the proposal for a libgamedev to be able to share some of
> > that code
> > where needed, or to get some less device-specific handling on the
> > client
> > side.
> then how do you filter buttons and remove them from the stream other
> than
> creating a FAKE input device (eg a socketpair you pass one end to a
> client)...
> then ioctls() that would otherwise work on a joystick won't work
> here. if we
> ignore the ioctl's then faking a device and the device protocol.... 

See above.

> if that's
> good enough then why don't we do this for kbd and mouse too? pass
> fd's and fake
> a kbd or mouse device from the compositor if we want to filter...
> (yes yes i
> know about mouse coordinate remapping...).

A couple of reasons. The devices are probably "simpler", or at least
protocol developers (be it for X11 or Wayland) felt they were.

The problem space is better understood, and while the kernel takes care
of a lot of the differences between devices (at least we don't need to
figure out which keycode corresponds to which US layout keysym), there
were still tons of problems that we ran into as those devices changed:
- we couldn't have more than 256 different keys (minus a bunch of
reserved ones) in X, breaking a lot of multimedia keys.
- similarly, the pointer protocol restricted mice to a certain number
of buttons (10 iirc) that gaming mice broke through.
- a lot of functionality wasn't possible, such as per-input keyboard
keymaps, different acceleration settings for different pointer devices.

I'm pretty sure that we'd handle tablets similarly to the joypad
proposal if it weren't for the fact that the kernel support is quite
young, and we didn't need to carry a lot of metadata about the devices
in userspace (see libwacom).

> gamepads/joysticks are only "special" if your view of the world is
> one of
> "everything is a pc with a keyboard and mouse and joysticks etc. are
> just
> occasionally used input devices only for some specialist games".
> that view of the world is really limited. smart tv's, consoles,
> handheld game
> systems and many more do not share this view of the world. in these
> worlds
> gamepads etc. are often primary input devices that do act as
> surrogate
> keyboards and mice along with other stuff (conceptually if your view
> of the
> world is that of a pc).

It really isn't, sorry. In fact, I'm pretty certain that you can
implement a gaming console's interface far more easily with this
protocol than with the original one.
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