On May 8, 2018 6:23:30 PM GMT+09:00, "Jonas Ådahl" <jad...@gmail.com> wrote:

>It is my opinion that we should continue with the scope described
>to make a clear separation between what portable clients can expect
>while expecting to work both on highly integrated environments and less
>integrated environments alike.

I understand wanting to avoid a scenario where every compositor collapses under 
peer pressure to implement every protocol under the sun, but a think it's a 
secondary concern to the "lots of junk in many private silos" problem.

There's a lot of value to subsets of the greater Wayland implementation 
community collaborating and agreeing on things when they have overlapping needs 
(which they do, as can be shown by example). Compared to keeping protocols to 
ourselves which could easily interest multiple stakeholders, it leads to 
better, more generic protocols that compose/complement better, while avoiding 
redundancy. It means accumulating less tech debt across a lot of software, 
which is ultimately good for users.

It's good for wayland-protocols to be the space this happens in, because it's 
where the necessary engineering culture exists to hold protocol development to 
consistent quality standards. And that's without getting into the 
interoperability benefits.

Limiting wayland-protocols to "expected to implement/be provided" protocols is 
that it doesn't allow all this good stuff to happen. At the very least there's 
definitely ways to avoid unmitigated sprawl, e.g. checklists to avoid redundant 
protocols and "does too much" protocols. The peer pressure problem I'm not sure 
how to address, but I am also not convinced it'd actually materialize in 
practice. In reality when it does it'd usually be driven by users wishing to 
get things to interoperate, which indicates a need, which should be met somehow 
and to the best quality possible - cf. xdg-toplevel-decoration.

I understand the worry about getting swept away by a tide that won't be 
stemmed. But right now there's more desire for collaboration than there is a 
venue for, and I'm more worried about the opportunity cost to protocol and 
software quality that comes with it. If in doubt, maximizing collaboration 
usually makes for more durable stuff.

layer-shell: We are interested. It does things we already have working with a 
protocol proprietary to Plasma, but better, as it's more focused and 
generalized and has seen more review already than we could muster internally at 
the time. Between that and the users who are asking us for more 
interoperability whenever possible it's attractive.

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