On Thu, 30 May 2019 00:50:32 +0100
adlo <adloco...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Wed, 2019-05-29 at 08:19 -0500, Matteo Valdina wrote:
> > Re-iterate the process.Run valgrind, read the log, search for bugs. 
> > Until valgrind run smoothly. 

> Also, there are lots of "Invalid writes of size 8", but a lot of them
> don't seem to originate from functions in my program, but from the
> Wayland libraries themselves. What is going on there?


as always, look at the very first problem reported. Other problems
may be fallout from the first one, so fix the first one, and repeat.

It is quite easy to corrupt a list based on struct wl_list, which
will then result in more errors all over the place.


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