
On Fri, Apr 17, 2020 at 3:59 AM Marcel Hollerbach <m...@bu5hm4n.de> wrote:
> I really like the idea of curtaining the session.
> However, i am wondering if logind couldn't serve there as sort of
> gatekeeper
> The idea is that a session in logind can be locked or unlocked. In case
> it is locked, logind would spin up a "micro" session with a process that
> renders something to login.
So you're saying logind would take on the function of e.g. GDM?

I think logind is intentionally primarily about bookkeeping and resource
passing.  The individual desktops want to be able to design the user
experience for their unlock screens.

Also, in the olden days GDM used to have a separate "micro" session,
itself.  It had a perennial problem that things from a real session
needed to be reimplemented in it.  Things like keyboard layout
choosing, accessibility features, system trays, etc.  And so there was
duplicated code, that had duplicate bugs, and the login screen UI
provided a different experience than the logged in UI, which was
suboptimal for the user.

So that's why we changed GDM to actually run a "normal" session
instead of a "micro" one.  I mean we still obviously turn a lot of knobs off
for the login screen, but we're running the same implementation inside
the session as out, and we give the user a consistent experience and
don't have to implement everything twice.

> A successful login there would unlock the other session. This
> microsession can be displayed on *some* output which depends on the
> implementation of this process allowing to login.

> The login session can also give hints to what sort of session this is
> now transformed (pipewire or real, from your proposal below). This is
> useful for apps/libs like spotify/pulseaudio as they can check if they
> should output music on physical devices for example or not.
So logind already tells a session whether or not it is active, and already
handles giving and taking away devices from a session. These are things
parts of the session can and do listen to today.

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