Wayland 1.20.0 is released! This release contains the following major changes:
- FreeBSD support has been entirely upstreamed and has been added to our continuous integration system. - The autotools build system has been dropped. Meson has replaced it. - A few protocol additions: wl_surface.offset allows clients to update a surface's buffer offset independently from the buffer, wl_output.name and description allow clients to identify outputs without depending on xdg-output-unstable-v1. - In protocol definitions, events have a new "type" attribute and can now be marked as destructors. - A number of bug fixes, including a race condition when destroying proxies in multi-threaded clients. Commit history since RC1 below. Simon Ser (2): meson: override dependencies to ease use as subproject build: bump to version 1.20.0 for the official release git tag: 1.20.0 https://wayland.freedesktop.org/releases/wayland-1.20.0.tar.xz SHA256: b8a034154c7059772e0fdbd27dbfcda6c732df29cae56a82274f6ec5d7cd8725 wayland-1.20.0.tar.xz SHA512: e8a1f410994b947f850799bdd0d95a2429d8467f853e62a0ab3915a4e9fe130f8aa977e03715114ab740c6ec546edea63d275ce7f927d4f3029ea126e6a7d215 wayland-1.20.0.tar.xz PGP: https://wayland.freedesktop.org/releases/wayland-1.20.0.tar.xz.sig