I noticed another Barney term  "refinishing school"  instead of
finishing school, when he was talking about rich girl Peggy.

>>>>I have been a long time subscriber and reader of this board, but
this is my first post....so here goes.  Has anyone else found it an odd
coincidence that Gavin McCloud was involved in the black and white
episode of the first mention of "Sheriff Without a Gun" when he posed as
a movie producer that came to Mayberry with two others with the intent
to make a movie about our beloved sheriff.  They turned out to be bank
robbers.  He was also in the color episode later on (with comical
toupee) starring as Sheriff Taylor when the movie was actually filmed in
Hollywood.  Makes ya think!  Monty Lockaby,  Piedmont, SC,  Trying not
to chew my cabbage twice!<<<<

Monty ,  yes that was ironic

I think another funny twist is  Barney's Music teacher...Ms. Poultice,
later being his dance partner--Big Maude Tyler.

Or the lady who was running the charity drive--later turns out to be the

(do you want more ?  I'll do it !!!)

Or Barney's girl Miss Rosemary--later buying a house from Barney the
Realtor with her husband.

Or the kid who lost his baseball (Haunted House)  also being the spoiled
kid that lost his Bike

OK I'll stop there for now.

The Untrained Voice--knowing when there's enough of a good thing.
The guy who wrote this original post about a Hollywood episode where
Andy stayed at the Piedmont Hotel--being from Piedmont  SC!!

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