Most of us Griffith fans know that a young Jack Nicholson played the
accused Jenkins on Aunt Bee the Juror, his second appearance.  But, did
you know that these other actors played previous roles on our favorite

Jury Foreman (Tol Avery) played Ben Weaver in the Shoplifter episode (he
looked much younger then)  and a driver in Howard the Comedian

Jury Member (Emory Palmer) played Helen's uncle in Dinner at Eight

Charley Keys (Jim Begg) played a man buying a marriage license from
Howard Sprague (in The County Clerk), George in "Taylors go to
Hollywood"  and a customer that gets water from Opie when he worked at
the Drug Store.

The Clerk (Pete Madsen) played a cop (Jenkins, ironic huh?) in Mt Pilot
in a Visit to Barney Fife   (maybe moonlighting while off duty, as a

Defense Attorney (Tom Palmer) was also in Helen the Authoress

The actual thief (Richard Chambers) was also one of the Parkers in "A
Visit to Barney Fife" (He must have been out on parole)

So, Next time you watch this Episode, look for all these familiar faces
along with Andy Opie Goober and Aunt Bee

The Untrained Voice  (being a trained Noticer)

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