Dear Mayberry Friends,
Three weeks ago I was put down by the worse sinus infection known to man.  
Today when I finally made it back to the accumulation of Digests a-waiting me, 
what did I find but a lot of talk about "Andy, the Angry Years" (exactly what 
we were talking about when I left you three weeks ago, but, hey,  it ain't like 
you to deny the sick), some talk about TV Land getting  off schedule again 
(what else is new) , and some
talk about our beloved Barney being honored (exactly as it should always be).  
And, yes, some people were still  talking about pj pants (the way it will be, 
I'm guessing,  for a long, long time).
Just the way I love things to be in "our little corner of the world" where I 
can always feel the safest.
 I may still not feel too great, but it's  great to be back among the best 
people on Earth.
 But, oh,  by the way.  If any of you folks want to buy any Miracle Salve, 
remember, Opie no longer sells the
stuff.  But you can buy all you want for 35 cents a jar down at the Dime Store 
and get all the gossip for free.
Mr. Schwamp and Lydia and me, well, we just can't wait to see you!  
Laura Lee Hobbs, Dime Store Clerk and Gold Truck Watcher Extraordinaire
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