I subscribe to a magazine called Missouri Conservationist.  The current 
issue has an article about lake sturgeon, Missouri's largest fish. 
Biologists have been studying these fish by attaching radio collars so they 
can keep track of their movements.  Here's an excerpt from the article:

Radiotagged fish are named after characters from the old Andy Griffith Show. 
Barney, Opie, Aunt Bea (sic) and their friends have been teaching us a lot 
about the lives of lake sturgeon.  Goober, a 23-pound male we caught and 
tagged just south of Hannibal in late March 2005, has been an especially 
interesting fish to follow.  After tracking him for a little over a week, he 
disappeared. Although we searched for him nearly every day, we didn't find 
him until 10 days later. He'd moved 18 miles downriver, to the town of 
Louisiana. Then, for some reason, he decided to head back upstream.  Over 
the next six days we tracked him for another 80 miles as he made his way to 
Keokuk, Iowa. During that time he navigated around submerged rock dikes, 
through the fishing lines of shoreline anglers, and passed through three 
dams that break the river into large flowing pools...Goober must have really 
wanted to go upstream to have passed through three dams.
You can read the entire article here: 

Mitch Jayne, the bass player of the Dillards/Darlings, is an outstanding 
writer who occasionally writes stories for this magazine.  Every TAGS fan is 
familiar with the song "Dooley" (which Mitch co-wrote) but did you know 
Dooley was a real person?  Here's one of Mitch's hilarious Dooley stories:


Hearing Mitch read his stories aloud is much better than seeing them on the 
printed page.  Weaver's used to sell some of his books on tape, but I guess 
they're all out of print now.

--Paul Mulik

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