"So, the story is NOT changed, just the order in which the meals are served.  I 
feel like Andy showing up for his third dinner at his girlfriend's house 
without even telling her how Goober messed things up (when everybody knows how 
Goober messes things up) is not too realistic."
  I think it would have made a difference because when Opie comes back early 
he's hungry.  So Goober calls Helen to see if Opie can come by there for 
dinner.  I don't think Goober would have called Mrs. Sprague to see if Opie 
could go there.
  I've also noticed Aunt Bee wears a lot of the same dresses through out TAGS.  
I think that is also realistic as most regular folks wear their outfits more 
than once.
  Someone mentioned Andy being grouchier in the color episodes and being that 
I've read about psycological and compelshion conditions.  I've taken it upon 
myself to analyse the situation.  Barney left town so naturally Andy would miss 
him.  Also since Andy couldn't find a replacement deputy, Andy had to work 
longer hours doing all the stuff that Barney did.  Andy didn't get to spend as 
much time with Opie or Helen as he previously did and that also helped him be 
grouchy.  Also you know how it us usually easier to deal with smaller kids are? 
 And kids as they approach teen age, seem to drift from their parents.  That 
would be a natural occurrance between Andy and Opie.  Didn't Andy warn Opie 
about taking on the responsibility of Dolly?  Would you want a horse in your 
garage?  Even if it wasn't eating, it would still have to attend to functions.
  Well, that's all for now.  I think I'll work on that Schwumps cure.  There's 
psycological fingerprints all over that one!
  Kim - Wylie, TX

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