My mom and dad was just as country as country can be. We grew a huge garden
each yr and canned or froze all the veggies. 
But my dad , during the day was manager of goverment sales at a Huge trucking 
company. During the day he was a 3 peice suit man. But after work, he was jeans 
or overhalls. There was lots of times he would have a saleman come from another 
state and would bring him home for supper. mom never knew this before they got 
there and it never seemed to be a problem. I remember one guy can from new york 
and it was the summer time. dad and him came in, dad changed into the overalls 
and out he went with this guy to gather stuff in the garden. this feller looked 
like he was totally lost. we sat down after supper to string and break beans 
and this poor salesman just looked at us. he didnt have a clue as to what to do 
nor why we did it. he asked dad why not just buy them in the store and dad 
asked him was the green beans he ate with supper good. he replied that they 
were wonderful and dad said thats why we dont buy them in the store. lol
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