>>I'll "just jump in where I can on this one, and hang on!"
I  may be just standing up for one of my favorite Dads, but I didn't notice   
Andy was that much out of line where his patients with family and friends  
concerned. As little Opie got older he was needing correction  and general  
"reeling-in" on many  occasions.<<
Oh, there were plenty of times when Andy pounced on Opie  
unnecessarily...such as in "Suppose Andy Gets Sick" when Opie was trying to be  
sympathetic to 
Andy's illness.  Maybe they thought that Opie was too old  for the usual "warm 
fuzzy" encounters with Andy, so they made it a bit  edgier--Opie was at 'that 
age', don'tchaknow!  It was nice to see one of  those unspoken "warm fuzzy" 
moments on the episode where Andy played the  baseball umpire, and Opie came by 
the courthouse to sort of apologize, but he  couldn't actually get the words 
out.  Andy knew, and patted his head.   Awww!
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