This is me and the girls over at the Dime Store's opinion of the Andy/Aunt Bee 
Let's face it.  Most of the time when Aunt Bee (or someone else like Barney for 
that matter) got angry with Andy,
Andy's biggest blunder was in trying to solve someone else's problem, or at 
least in trying to PREVENT what he saw as a potential for a problem for someone 
he cared deeply about; or else he was always trying to keep someone like Barney 
or Aunt Bee from getting their feelings hurt.  In other words, Andy was trying 
to play the nice guy
with an often stubborn adult who would refuse to see two sides to an issue 
("Aunt Bee, call the man!").  How
frustrated he must have been!  But why didn't HE call the man?  He spent so 
much time in fussing with Aunt
Bee, who refused to see reason and he knew she was this way,  he could have 
picked up the phone and talked to the man himself.  Problem solved.
The colored episodes have been called Andy's Angry Years.  But really the only 
one I see Andy really taking his  anger out on is poor little Opie.
This is our thinking anyway.  Maybe Opie is the only one who  would take it.
Laura Lee Hobbs, Dime Store Clerk and Gold Truck Watcher Extraordinaire  
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