Hey To Goobers!
    Well, when I was a kid, my family didn't  have a front porch. I did 
however have a good friend who had a quite nice  front porch. Since I spent 
all my waking hours at her house, I was able  to take full advantage of their 
front porch. That porch had two  large swings on it. I was the kind of kid who 
got motion sickness just  turning around to answer the door, so I had to have 
loved being there even  though I'd have to endure the inevitable nausea I'd 
likely be  experiencing. (I did) =) 
    We girls each took one of those big swings and  whiled away a lot of time 
there, swapping stories and at times just singing  our hearts out. I can 
still see us, in my mind's eye, lounging in those swings  with one foot hung 
on to the porch to propel our motion. We didn't have a  care in the world at 
those times, or at least we didn't invite those cares to  our "Front Porch 
    It was on that porch, we planned our day's  activities, discussed who was 
sweet on whom, who we'd like to date... (if we  could get him to notice us), 
what we wanted to be when we grew up, how mean our  siblings were to us, 
wondered out loud if our Moms would allow us to go here or  there and such 
as which kids or teachers at school were currently  giving us grief. 
    We covered a lot of ground while lying on our backs  on those swings, 
across from one another, both of us giving friendly, emotional  support to the 
other. It gives me "Smiles & Goose Bumps" just by  recalling those happy 
carefree days, lounging on that front porch across  from my bosom friend.... we 
kindred spirits. In those days, time  seemed to stand still while we just 
enjoyed each other's company!
    Would I trade those days for anything else you  could conger up? You be 
the judge =)
You'all Have A Mayberry Day!
Danna In Indiana
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