My Front Porch Memory:
  When I was four my mom, my two older brothers & me went to live with mom's 
parents for a few years.  The front porch, for there was a back one too, was 
the length of the house and plenty deep with room for rockers and room for us 
kids to play without getting in the way. You could tell the front porch was 
more important than the back one because the front porch was screened in. 
Grandma and Mom would sit out there after the evening dishes were done while 
Grandpa lay on the couch "pretending" to read the paper but he was really 
having a nap. My best memory is one of a rainy afternoon. I can still smell the 
rain coming down, a breeze was gently blowing but because the porch was so deep 
we didn't get wet. As Mom and Grandma were talking Mom pulled me up onto her 
lap. I lay my ear against her chest. I heard the most wonderful sound. Her 
voice.  I don't remember the words she was saying but I was amazed that her 
voice sounded so different. It seemed to wrap around me, like her
 arms were. I felt loved. Safe.  The last time I layed my ear on my Mom's chest 
she was in a nursing home. I was on my knees beside her bed. I will never 
forget her words that day.  She was patting my back saying over and over, "my 
baby, my baby."  I was no longer a little child. I was no longer amazed her 
voice sounded different. Mom had become completely deaf by then and the tone 
quality of her voice had changed.  But I still felt surrounded by the love in 
her voice.  Mom is gone now. I'm thankful for the "front porch" memory I have.  
  Shy Mary Grace

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