Hey Friends,
I've been out of town and I had about 20 Digests waiting for me when I got 
back, but it was gooood reading.
I want to thank Miss Cheryl for her information regarding actor Vincent 
D'Onofrio.  I had no idea he was the actor who played Private Pyle in "Full 
Metal Jacket" and now plays the detective on "Law and Order:
CI."  He surely has changed.  I guess that's the actor of the man.
Yeah, I have also noticed how calendars were all over the place.  But then, it 
seemed,  back in the '60s, no place of business was without a calendar, unless 
it was a real fine business like Weaver's or an elegant a  restaurant like 
Morelli's.  And they probably had a calendar.  It just wasn't right out front 
where the public could see it.
Now, the Dime Store?  Honey, we got a calendar every place you look. And most 
of them advertise Monroe's
Funeral Home on the top.
Laura Lee Hobbs,  Dime Store Clerk and Gold Truck Watcher and Funeral Home 
advertiser on the side because
it never hurts to diversify.
"I better move my truck.  It's parked right out side your door."  Orville 
Monroe to Barney
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