My hubby said GPUSMC was sold out at walmart on Xmas eve morning when
he went shopping... but promised i'll get it for my 30th birthday in
january... so i'll just keep watching TAGS for the next 15 days... If
i can get seasons 5&6 back from my parents. 

I got dad season 5 of make room for daddy and proptly opened it
before wrapping it and saw the pilot of TAGS (its a special feature
on disc six of season 5) I've never laughed so hard, then i wrapped
it.. lol.  I want to start collecting I love lucy DVD's now... mom
couldnt find season one on dvd so she got me an I love lucy barbie
doll to add to my collection.    

someone said that even teh color TAGS is still better than any TV
these days... i agree... with the exception of my Law and order and
ER.  I often wonder if Barney would have watched L&o as intently as i

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