As we quickly approach the Christmas season and as another year draws to a 
close, I would like my final 2006 Posting to be a simple Mayberry Blessing 
to all my friends at our special little corner here at the Digest.

              A Mayberry Blessing

May the warmth from the Taylor home

Warm your hearts forever.

May it melt away any coldness

That may live within you.

May Andy's strong but gentle arms

That engulf little Opie with love.

Wrap around your fears each night

And keep you safe and secure till morn.

May the music from the Darling cabin

Enter your ears and fill your soul.

And may their simple words of life

Surround you forever will love.

May the words that flow from Barney's lips

Fill your life with happiness and joy.

May they take away any sorrow or pain

And bring you comfort if but for a while.

May the stillness of a Mayberry night

Silence the sounds of war,

And may the stars that shine above that town

Bring brightness to all the darkness in your life.

Ken Anderson
2906 May Street
Eau Claire, Wisconsin 54701

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