Dear People of Mayberry and especially Thelma Lou,
First,  let's clear up a little mistake in my last post. Of course, it was the 
taxidermist who sewed up Hogette's head; it was Ernest T. who hit her. Glad 
that's off my chest.
I also love it when we can turn a frustrating situation into a Mayberry moment. 
 That is truly the Mayberry
spirit at work.
Thelma Lou wrote an excellent piece on spanking and she made many wonderful 
points. I know we are not
suppose to talk "Bible" here, but if I may, just this once, make one little 
point.  People often quote, "Spare
the rod, spoil the child."  But the rod in Scriptures refers to discipline, not 
an actual stick.  Remember Psalm
23?  "Thy rod and thy staff, they comfort me."  This is referring to a shepherd 
gently guiding his flock and
keeping them safe; not beating them over the head with his stick.  He keeps the 
wolves away and guides
his sheep.
Personally, I do not know how anyone can raise children without ever giving 
them a smack on the behind,
at least once in a while.  I have three and, as sweet as they are, they are not 
that good.  But if you are
shouting more than you are hugging and laughing with your child, something is 
wrong.  And no amount of
trips to the woodshed is going to fix that.
That's just my thoughts,
Laura Lee Hobbs 
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