Hello, good people of Mayberry,
I've been having a little correspondence with a sweet lady, Marie to be exact, 
and she got me wondering about
the differences in the girls Barney dated.
Obviously, we never even got to see Juanita.  But don't we all have in our 
minds what that lady looked like?
I figure dark-hair set in sort of a beehive, red lipstick, lots of eye makeup, 
not heavy but a little hippy maybe (some junk in the trunk), pretty face and a 
big flirt.  Just about the opposite of Thelma Lou.  And unlike Thel, Juanita 
did not slap so often, if you know what I mean.
I think Thelma Lou was beautiful (to me, she was much more attractive than 
Helen, though Helen was pretty
especially when she smiled).  And frankly, while Andy was handsome enough that 
it never surprised me
that pretty girls were drawn to him,  Barney was proof that being less than 
perfect is no hindrance to
getting the ladies.  Barney was a confident man, most of the time,  and this 
seemed to come through.
Women do like confident men.   And they liked our Andy and our Barney, even if 
these two were about as opposite
as opposites can be.
"I want to hear it from his own thin lips."  (Odd.  To me, Barney's lips were 
the only FULL things about that
Laura Lee Hobbs,  Dime Store Clerk and Gold Truck Watcher Extraordinaire, and I 
think I would have dated either Barney or Andy.  I have more in common with 
Andy, but I probably would have had a better--if cheaper date--with Barney.
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